uuni-ooni KettlePizza Review

Best Buy – Traditional Pizza Oven vs. Grill Converted KettlePizza

KettlePizza Pizza Oven Review

Many people have dreams of having a real brick or stone pizza oven in their back yard.  I can’t blame them!  Some people even want to build their own, thinking it would be a fun project.  I get calls from these people often who start these projects and then can’t find the time to finish.  They find the KettlePizza is a way to get started with an inexpensive pizza oven.  This post is to give people a comparison of the KettlePizza and a traditional pizza oven.

A 22.5″ KettlePizza with a Weber Kettle Grill will cost you between $180.00 and $500 depending on the setup that you choose.  A traditional pizza oven will most likely costs at least $1000 and that is if you do the work yourself.  If you have it installed expect $2500-10000.

Mobility:  You can move a KettlePizza & Weber grill combo wherever you want as it is on wheels.  With a weight between 50 and 100 pounds you can transport it easily as well.  A traditional pizza oven will be set in place and is not movable.

Startup Time:  The KettlePizza takes about 20 minutes to get the charcoal/hardwood to temperature.  Add another 20 minutes if you are using a stone.  Most traditional pizza ovens take at least 1 1/2 hours to get to temperature.

Flexibility:  Removing the KettlePizza insert takes about 30 seconds and you are left with a kettle grill.  Better yet, keep it on and cook other food types using the double stack method (see video below).  Traditional pizza ovens are great for cooking other foods as well once you get used to them.

Gas Grill Options: Now we have KettlePizza gas inserts that work with most gas grills.  Gas is even more convenient than charcoal and more people have gas grills.  We now have options for both types of grill users!

In summary, a traditional pizza oven is awesome as long as you have the money, space, and time  to use it.  For those who don’t, the KettlePizza may be a nice alternative for you.  And don’t forget, we make the KettlePizza entirely in the USA.

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